
iGaming Market Trends


Have you ever wondered what makes some online casino affiliate programs so much more successful than others? Well, the answer lies in one simple word: tracking. But not just any type of tracking! The power of smart analytics sets these programs apart and helps them leave their competitors in the dust. Let’s be­gin a journey to enhance your casino affiliate­ program. How Smart Tracking and Analytics in Casino Affiliate Programs Contribute to Growth? 🎰 Picture…

The iGaming business could be worth $94 billion by 2024, and if you aren’t already informed on the topic, that’s a great reason to do so. It’s a challenging niche — but with the right approach, it can be done. We will share several tips in this blog post to help you thrive in this industry and potentially double your campaigns’ return on investment. So let’s get started. What is iGaming? Many people confuse iGaming…