


Have you ever considered how safe your data is in casino affiliate programs? In an industry experiencing rapid expansion, safeguarding sensitive information has never been more crucial. Nonetheless, just how secure is your entire data when utilizing the casino affiliate software? Let us take a closer look at three statistical facts indicating why data security for casino affiliates is so important: 1. More than 60% of online gaming platforms and their casino affiliate programs have…

Guess what? We are thrilled to announce that Scaleo has been honored with the G2 High Performance Award for Summer 2023! 🏆✨ This outstanding achievement showcases Scaleo’s commitment to excellence in the industry. This recognition is a testament to our platform’s capabilities and a reflection of the incredible community and clients that have backed us up and believed in our vision. To every single one of you: THANK YOU! Your feedback, trust, and success stories…

Incentive program: it’s a powerful tool that can make customers flock to your business like seagulls to a French fry. But before you start tossing out rewards like breadcrumbs, it’s important to understand the key steps in building a successful program that will keep those customers returning for more. First and foremost, let’s talk about the benefits of an incentive program. It’s not just about giving away free stuff (although, who doesn’t love that?). It’s…