In today’s work environment, the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) for training and development has gained popularity. LMS platforms offer an array of features, such as automation, that can streamline the learning process. Create personalized experiences for employees. However, it is crucial to strike the balance between automation and instructor-led learning to ensure effectiveness. In this blog post, we will delve into strategies for achieving this equilibrium in the implementation of workplace LMS.

Understanding Automation in Workplace LMS

Automation within a workplace LMS refers to the capability of delivering learning content and assessments without intervention. Organizations with reputable training providers like the Saba Cloud app benefit from elements like self-paced modules, quizzes with automated scoring progress tracking, and more. Through automation, learners can access training materials on their own time while saving valuable time and effort. 

Advantages of Automation in Workplace LMS

a) Flexibility: Learners can access content whenever and wherever they want, enabling employees or those with schedules to engage with training materials.

b) Efficiency: Automated assessments provide instant feedback, reducing turnaround time for learners and expediting the overall learning process.

c) Personalization: An automated system can adapt content according to learner needs and preferences.

The Importance of Instructor-led Learning

While automation brings benefits, it’s crucial not to overlook the advantages of having instructors in a LMS implementation. Instructor-led training provides interaction, guidance, and expertise that cannot be replicated by automation alone.

The Role of Instructor-led Learning in Workplace LMS

a) Engagement: Interacting with instructors helps keep learners actively engaged throughout the training process.

b) Real-time Feedback: Facilitated discussions enable participants to receive feedback on their understanding or application of concepts.

c) Collaboration: Instructor-led sessions promote collaboration among learners through group activities and discussions.

d) Complex Topics: Some topics may require clarification or additional explanation that an instructor can effectively provide.

Finding the Right Balance: Combining Automation and Instructor-led Learning

a) Blended Learning Approach: Employing both automation and instructor-led learning allows for a learning approach that enables learners to benefit from the advantages of both methods.

b) Pre-work and Post-work Assignments: Utilize automation for work assignments, like self-paced modules or quizzes, freeing up interactive instructor-led sessions for more profound discussions and practical application of concepts.

c) Assessing Learner Progress: Utilize automated assessments for evaluation while granting instructors the ability to offer assessments that require more detailed feedback.

Striking the Right Balance Between Automation and Instructor-led Learning

a) Determine Learning Objectives: Assess whether specific objectives can be accomplished through automation or if they necessitate instructor-led interaction.

b) Analyze Learner Requirements: Understand which subjects or skills are well suited for self-paced modules versus those that require real-time guidance and discussion.

c) Evaluate Technical Feasibility: Examine if your LMS platform provides the features to support your desired combination of automation and instructor-led learning.

Promoting Collaboration Between Automation and Instructors

a) Effective Communication Channels: Ensure learners know when and how to interact with instructors, making it convenient for them to seek guidance when needed.

b) Considerations for Scheduling: Find a balance between scheduled interactions with instructors and independent asynchronous learning opportunities.

c) Support Materials for Instructors: Equip instructors with resources, like facilitation guides or discussion prompts, to assist them in leading sessions.

Continuous Improvement Through Feedback Loops

a) Regularly ask learners for feedback on their learning experience, including how satisfied they are with the balance between automated learning and instructor-led sessions.

b) Gather data on learner performance engagement levels and completion rates across types of training activities. Use this information to make adjustments and enhance your approach.


Achieving the balance between automation and instructor-led learning is vital in workplace LMS implementations to deliver effective and engaging training experiences. By finding the perfect combination, organizations can benefit from automation efficiency and accessibility while still capitalizing on the advantages of interaction and guidance. Understanding learner needs, evaluating content requirements, and assessing capabilities will help you create a blend of automated learning and instructor-led sessions that aligns with your organization’s objectives and maximizes the impact of your LMS implementation.

Last Updated on April 18, 2024
