
Conversion Rate


Did you know that the global iGaming market is expected to reach a value of $127.3 billion by 2027? With such a vast industry, affiliates and operators must leverage analytics to drive success in their marketing campaigns. But how can basic affiliate marketing analytics help you optimize your strategies and achieve better results in the competitive iGaming landscape? Exploring the High-Stakes World of iGaming Affiliate Marketing iGaming affiliate marketing is a thriving industry that offers…

The online casino industry has experienced significant growth in the past two decades, offering a new frontier for gambling enthusiasts. With the increasing penetration of the internet and the accessibility of online gambling vendors, operators can attract players from around the world. However, this also means that competition is fierce, and it is essential for online casino operators to analyze and improve their key performance indicators (KPIs) for success. One of the most important aspects…

Affiliate marketing is a powerful strategy for generating revenue by promoting other people’s products or services on your website or blog. It is crucial to measure and analyze the performance of your affiliate marketing campaigns in order to optimize your strategy, improve your earnings, and grow your business. In this ultimate guide, we will discuss why performance metrics matter in affiliate marketing and walk you through ten key performance metrics to track. Additionally, we will…

Cookie session duration is one of the most essential elements to consider if you’re a merchant looking to launch an affiliate marketing program. The cookie duration is the length of time that a customer’s browser will remember that they clicked through from an affiliate link. It’s vital because if a customer visits your store from an affiliate link and then makes a purchase later, the affiliate who sent the customer usually receives credit for the…

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to track the performance of your affiliate marketing campaigns, custom tracking solutions may be just what you need. Custom tracking solutions are a great way to monitor the data associated with your affiliate campaigns closely. It can help you identify key insights into your target audience and their buying habits and give you an edge over the competition. Creating a custom tracking solution can be daunting, but with…