
Customer Lifetime Value


Have you ever wondered what makes some online casino affiliate programs so much more successful than others? Well, the answer lies in one simple word: tracking. But not just any type of tracking! The power of smart analytics sets these programs apart and helps them leave their competitors in the dust. Let’s be­gin a journey to enhance your casino affiliate­ program. How Smart Tracking and Analytics in Casino Affiliate Programs Contribute to Growth? 🎰 Picture…

Do you want to dominate the iGaming business industry but don’t know where to start? Player Reports are here to save the day, giving you all the insight you need to pave your way to success. Whether you’re an online casino owner or just getting into the industry as an agency, having the right KPI data guarantees you aren’t wasting money. Gambling may be a risky business, but trying to operate without proper tracking and…

KPIs for the iGaming industry vary greatly from one business to another. Some Gaming KPI’s are more essential, while others are less. You’re probably aware that you need to keep track of your finances, but it’s not always as simple as it sounds. While your accounting file may provide some insight into general performance, the insights are most powerful when combined with other data sources. In this blog post, we’re going to dive deep into…

Customer Lifetime Value is one of the critical metrics that not only needs to be tracked and analyzed, but also can be used to rebuild your affiliate or marketing strategy completely from scratch. In 2024, in the competitive landscape of iGaming affiliate programs, the ability to accurately analyze Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) metrics is not merely advantageous—it’s essential. Knowing how to analyze CLV isn’t just a skill; it’s your secret weapon in maximizing profits and…

Affiliate marketing is a powerful strategy for generating revenue by promoting other people’s products or services on your website or blog. It is crucial to measure and analyze the performance of your affiliate marketing campaigns in order to optimize your strategy, improve your earnings, and grow your business. In this ultimate guide, we will discuss why performance metrics matter in affiliate marketing and walk you through ten key performance metrics to track. Additionally, we will…