
Attribution Models


Did you know that the online gambling market is on track to exceed $127 billion by 2027? This staggering figure is not just a testament to the industry’s growth but to the transformative power of digital marketing for casinos. With the future of casino marketing unfolding before us, have you ever pondered the potential lying within your digital devices for shaping your gambling experiences? How are sophisticated technologies altering the once static world of casino…

Did you know that the global iGaming market is expected to reach a value of $127.3 billion by 2027? With such a vast industry, affiliates and operators must leverage analytics to drive success in their marketing campaigns. But how can basic affiliate marketing analytics help you optimize your strategies and achieve better results in the competitive iGaming landscape? Exploring the High-Stakes World of iGaming Affiliate Marketing iGaming affiliate marketing is a thriving industry that offers…

Affiliate marketing has emerged as a game-changer in an industry where the stakes are high and the competition fierce. Affiliate marketing offers a unique opportunity to reach a wider audience, drive traffic, and, ultimately, increase revenue. In fact, studies have shown that affiliate programs can boost a company’s revenue by 15-30%. For casinos, where every player counts, this can translate into substantial profits. Did you know that in 2022, affiliate marketing spending in the United…

What is smart retargeting in iGaming? It’s a set of strategies using cookie tracking that can boost conversions and drive sales. Cookie retargeting is a powerful strategy that allows marketers and advertisers to show personalized ads or opt-in campaigns to iGaming customers who have already interacted with their website in some way. So, what exactly is cookie retargeting, and how can you use it to your advantage? In this article, we will dive deep into…

Multichannel attribution in affiliate marketing refers to the process of identifying and assigning credit to the various marketing channels that contributed to a conversion or sale. It allows marketers to understand the effectiveness and impact of different marketing channels in driving customer actions. In today’s dynamic digital landscape, businesses are increasingly relying on multiple channels to drive traffic, generate leads, and convert prospects into customers. Affiliate marketing plays a significant role in this process, with…

Attribution analytics are the key to unlocking the performance of your digital channels. Today, you will see how it can help you get even more out of your campaign data. In this article, we will explore the power of attribution analytics and how it can be used to unlock performance potential in your business. By analyzing attribution data, you can also uncover any areas of opportunity in terms of optimizing customer acquisition strategies. With this…

Attribution analytics in affiliate marketing is a crucial aspect of digital marketing that helps businesses track where their sales are coming from. Far from being a complex idea, it’s pretty straightforward: it’s all about knowing who’s bringing in the bucks! Attribution analytics is like a detective solving the mystery of which affiliates are genuinely pulling their weight. When it comes to making money online, it’s not just about who clicked what. It’s about understanding the customer’s…

Did you know that acquiring a new customer costs casino operators 5-10 times more than retaining an existing one? It’s a sobering statistic that underscores the crucial role of player retention in ensuring long-term profitability. While building a strong affiliate network can be instrumental in driving new player acquisition, its true potential lies in its ability to cultivate those players into loyal patrons who fuel recurring revenue. Beyond the First Click: Cultivating Engaged Players Imagine…

Cross-device attribution is the process of connecting a customer’s interactions across multiple devices to properly allocate conversion credit to the touchpoints that influenced their purchase decision. Tracking customer journeys across devices is crucial to understanding how your marketing efforts truly impact sales and revenue. By implementing cross-device attribution, you gain visibility into the customer’s path to conversion and can optimize your marketing spend and strategies to drive the greatest return on investment. With consumers using…

Affiliate Tracking is an essential element of any affiliate network. Since affiliate marketing is a performance-based concept, its effectiveness depends largely on marketers’ ability to evaluate their affiliate campaigns’ performance. A smooth allocation of transactions is crucial to a successful affiliate program and, if an affiliate succeeds in generating leads, they must be reimbursed in a timely and efficient manner. So, how do we make sure all the transactions are tracked precisely? There are a…