Attribution analytics are the key to unlocking the performance of your digital channels. Today, you will see how it can help you get even more out of your campaign data.

In this article, we will explore the power of attribution analytics and how it can be used to unlock performance potential in your business.

By analyzing attribution data, you can also uncover any areas of opportunity in terms of optimizing customer acquisition strategies. With this information, you can make more informed decisions regarding budget allocation and targeting strategies across different campaigns.

What Is Attribution Analytics?

In affiliate marketing, when you deal with an Offer in the advertising funnel, a piece of information is passed from one phase to the next.

Attribution analytics are used to measure, identify, and attribute the impact of various marketing campaigns on sales and other key metrics. It helps you better understand how different channels, such as paid advertising and social media, are performing so you can make informed decisions about optimizing your marketing mix.

It enables you to see where your customers are coming from and what steps they take to purchase. This lets you understand which channels drive the most engagement, conversions, and sales.

An attribution method is a technical mechanism our server utilizes to establish how and where session data is saved. It also specifies the ID that the server will use to validate the conversion for the Offer.

When the offer’s goal is added, a network manager can choose between two attribution methods: postback tracking or cookie-based pixel tracking.

What Does It Do?

Attribution analytics is a powerful tool that helps you uncover insights about your digital performance, from understanding which channels have the greatest impact to optimizing your budget. It focuses on attributing credit for conversions to each touchpoint a prospect engages with along their journey to conversion.

By measuring the impact of each marketing touchpoint, attribution analytics helps you determine which campaigns and channels are driving conversions and how they’re contributing to meeting your goals. It also helps uncover trends in customer behavior so you can make better decisions about where you’re investing your budget.

If you’re managing multiple marketing channels, attribution analytics is essential for understanding which ones are performing or underperforming, and how different strategies are contributing to reaching your goals. Additionally, it provides valuable information about what kind of content resonates with customers and delivers a higher return on investment so that you can adjust your strategies accordingly.

Types of Attribution Modeling

Attribution modeling is the process of assigning credit for conversions to the marketing touchpoints that drove them. It’s a powerful tool for understanding your customer journey and can help uncover performance you may have never known about.

Several types of attribution models are available to marketers, each offering a different insight into the customer journey. Here are the three main attribution models:

  • First touch: assigns credit for a conversion only to the first touchpoint that led directly to it.
  • Last touch: assigns 100% of conversion credit to the last interaction with the customer before they converted.
  • Multi-touch or fractional: assigns credit based on an algorithm that weighs each touchpoint’s significance (or fractional contribution) in the customer journey.

Each model has its own merits and should be used strategically depending on your marketing and business goals—for instance, if you wanted to determine which channel was most effective in driving conversions, you would use multi-touch attribution for more accurate results.

Types of Attribution in Affiliate Marketing

In order to get the most value from attribution analytics, it’s important to understand the different types of attribution used in affiliate marketing. Organizations can use any of these models to gain insights and make data-driven decisions depending on the type of business and customer journey.

Tracking Postbacks

Server-side tracking, or S2S tracking, is another name for this method. Scaleo automatically transmits a session ID (or a Click ID) to the Advertiser when the user clicks on the link. They keep this Click ID in the database for as long as necessary.

When a conversion occurs, the Advertiser sends the Click ID to Scaleo for validation. The entire procedure is carried out on two servers. As a result, it is not dependent on the user’s path between phases. Find out more about Postback Tracking.

Pixel Tracking Based on Cookies

The pixel tracking method saves Scaleo’s session ID in the user’s browser cookies, and short text files containing information about the user’s behavior. To track the conversion, the Advertiser should place a tracking pixel on the conversion page, which is the page that the user sees after completing a conversion. For example, he may have finished registration or made a purchase. This is likely a “Thank you” or “Your order is complete” page.

A tracking pixel is a 1-pixel-wide HTML container containing an offer’s conversion link. It is normally added before the </ body > tag in the page source code. When a user loads the pixel, it looks in the user’s browser cookie for a session ID and registers a conversion for that session.

The pixel tracking depends on additional parameters, such as ad blockers. Cookies have an impact on your results when they are erased. More information on Cookie-Based Pixel Tracking can be found here.

What Method Do We Suggest?

We recommend using the Postback Tracking method because it is server-side and does not depend on the user’s browser, we recommend using the Postback Tracking method at Scaleo.

As a result, it is an excellent alternative for offers that involve other platforms, such as mobile app store pages, installed software applications, and click-to-call communications. The Postback Tracking method is required when cookies cannot be monitored (for example, in-app stores).

Each Advertiser and Partner may require a different method of attribution. Whatever method you use, be certain that your Advertiser supports it. If the Advertiser specifies a method, you should utilize that method when running a given Offer.

Benefits of Attribution Analytics

Most importantly, it can help you gain insights into how your advertising and marketing campaigns contribute to meeting your goals, from increased website traffic to higher conversions. This can provide invaluable assistance in honing your strategies for maximum effectiveness.

BenefitHow can it help your business?
1. Identify top-performing channelsAttribution analytics can help identify which marketing channels are driving the most conversions or revenue, allowing businesses to allocate resources more effectively.
2. Optimize marketing budgetBy understanding which channels and tactics are driving the most value, attribution analytics can help businesses optimize their marketing spend and improve ROI.
3. Improve customer targetingAttribution analytics can provide insights into which types of customers are most likely to convert, allowing businesses to refine their targeting and messaging.
4. Identify opportunities for upselling/cross-sellingBy analyzing customer behavior and purchasing patterns, attribution analytics can identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling, leading to increased revenue per customer.
5. Measure the impact of different touchpointsAttribution analytics can help businesses understand the impact of different touchpoints (e.g., email campaigns, social media ads, etc.) on the customer journey, allowing them to optimize their messaging and strategy accordingly.
6. Identify areas for improvementBy analyzing the entire customer journey and identifying areas where customers drop off or fail to convert, attribution analytics can help businesses pinpoint areas for improvement in their marketing and sales processes.

Here are some of the benefits that attribution analytics can give you:

Uncover Performance Issues

Attribution analytics can provide insight into which creative elements may be causing dips in performance and uncover any issues that need addressing. This can help you determine where you should focus the most effort to maximize your results.

Determine ROI

Attribution analytics allows you to track user behavior, such as clicks and conversions, to determine the return on investment of each campaign or segment. This allows you to make data-driven decisions on where to allocate your budget, ensuring that every penny is spent in the best possible way.

Get a Comprehensive Picture

By tracking user behavior across different channels, attribution analytics provides a comprehensive picture of how people respond to your campaigns and which strategies work best for different groups. This helps you craft more tailored messages for each segment for better results.

Analyzing Touchpoints in the Customer Journey

Analyzing attribution is a powerful tool that can help you uncover the performance of each step in the customer journey, enabling you to determine which touchpoints lead to conversions.

In order to correctly analyze the customer journey, you must take into account the following:

  • The different stages of the customer’s purchase decision
  • The different types of touchpoints (e.g., online ads, email campaigns, etc.) in the sales process
  • The number of times a customer interacted with each touchpoint
  • The impact each touchpoint had on conversions.

By understanding how different touchpoints influence conversion rates, you can optimize campaigns to drive more sales and improve ROI for your business. This will also help you identify underperforming channels and refine campaigns to improve performance across all channels.

Optimizing Campaigns With Attribution Analytics

Attribution analytics is the key to unlocking the true potential of your advertising and marketing campaigns. This powerful tool can give you valuable insight into how each of your campaigns performs and allows you to track performance in real-time, so you can make adjustments as needed to ensure maximum ROI.

With attribution analytics, you can see exactly which channels are driving the most conversions, giving you a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t. You can also use it to compare different campaigns side-by-side and track how various touchpoints contribute to your efforts’ overall success.

Marketers can make better decisions about which channels to prioritize in order to achieve their desired results by utilizing the visibility that attribution analytics provides. Additionally, these insights can be used to identify any areas that need improvement or optimization and target resources accordingly.

Ultimately, attribution analytics provides an invaluable way for marketers to understand their campaigns’ performance better and optimize them for maximum effectiveness.

Setting up an Attribution Analytics System

Setting up an attribution analytics system is not as difficult as it sounds. In fact, you can start getting the insights you need for your campaigns, ads, and content in just a few simple steps.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Decide on a marketing attribution model; this will help you decide what metrics to track and which performance channels will be included in your analysis.
  2. Collect data. Start gathering all the relevant information from both offline and online sources, such as website visits, click-through rates, campaigns, and customer paths.
  3. Analyze the data, breaking it down into customer journeys to gain valuable insights into user behavior and purchasing patterns.
  4. Create goals. Use the insights gained from analyzing the data to set realistic goals for your campaigns and other activities.
  5. Implement results: use the analysis results to create more effective campaigns that better align with desired goals and deliver a better ROI for your business.

This will enable you to identify areas of success and opportunities for improvement so you can adjust your strategy accordingly and maximize ROI from your marketing investments.

How does attribution work when using affiliate marketing software?

Using affiliate marketing software such as Scaleo helps track and examine the performance of various affiliate marketing campaigns and channels. Here are some ways to use affiliate marketing software to analyze attribution:

Configure tracking

The first step is to set up tracking for your affiliate marketing campaigns using your affiliate marketing software. This entails developing unique tracking URLs or codes for each affiliate or campaign so that conversions may be tracked and attributed to the correct source.

Attribution Analytics: The Secret to Uncovering Performance - Attribution Analytics

Examine conversion data

You can begin evaluating your conversion data once you have set up tracking. Your affiliate marketing software should generate detailed reports on conversion metrics like clicks, leads, and sales, as well as revenue and commission collected from each affiliate or campaign.

Analyze the performance of different channels

Use your affiliate marketing software to compare the performance of various affiliate marketing channels and campaigns. Examine performance patterns, such as which channels generate the most clicks, leads, or sales and which campaigns yield the best conversion rates or revenue.

Utilize attribution models

Attribution models allow you to attribute conversions to various touchpoints along the consumer journey. Your affiliate marketing software may have different attribution models, such as first-click, last-click, and multi-touch attribution. Use these models to learn about the effects of various touchpoints on conversion.

Improve your campaigns

You may optimize your affiliate marketing campaigns by making data-driven decisions based on your analysis of conversion data and attribution models. Adjusting your commission rates, targeting different audiences, or investing more in high-performing channels may be necessary.

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The key to extracting the most value from attribution analytics is having the right data and insights.

Businesses can uncover hidden performance and performance-enhancing opportunities by identifying the right marketing mix, focusing on the right KPIs, testing new strategies, and leveraging AI-driven insights.

Attribution analytics can give organizations the insights they need to make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing strategies. With the right tools and processes in place, organizations can use attribution analytics to unlock the potential of their marketing investments and their full potential.

Last Updated on January 17, 2024


Elizabeth is a Senior Content Manager at Scaleo. Currently enjoying the life in Prague and sharing professional affiliate marketing tips. She's been in the online marketing business since 2006 and gladly shares all her insights and ideas on this blog.