
Click-through Rates


Did you know that over 80% of online casino operators rely on affiliate marketing to drive traffic and increase revenue? With online gambling on the rise, casinos are scrambling for strategies that will help them stand out. But how do you know if your marketing is actually working? Are your campaigns delivering the results you want? It’s time to unlock the power of data analytics and discover how to assess the effectiveness of your casino…

Finding the ideal link tracking software for your business can be challenging. However, we have a helpful buyer’s guide that lists the top 10 link tracking software options. By the time you finish reading this post, you will have a better understanding of your requirements and which software is best for tracking your campaigns. If you’re a business marketer or affiliate that pushes affiliate offers online or just want to track conversions, leads, sales, and…

Marketing performance dashboard with data visualization – why do you need it, how do you choose the right one for your business, and will the most expensive one always necessarily be the best one? Let’s find out! In today’s digital world, marketers must approach data with a theoretical strategy as well as an almost artistic sensibility. A variety of marketing dashboards can help with this by offering easy-to-read and visually pleasing views of a variety…