


The iGaming stats for 2024 speak for themselves—the data clearly shows a stiff rise in revenue across all aspects of iGaming affiliate marketing. Are you ready to make a bank with your affiliate ads? iGaming is booming, and there’s never been a better time to get involved in this wildly lucrative industry. But how can you expect to make your ads shine in the crowd? With hard data, of course! By learning from the latest…

Incentive program: it’s a powerful tool that can make customers flock to your business like seagulls to a French fry. But before you start tossing out rewards like breadcrumbs, it’s important to understand the key steps in building a successful program that will keep those customers returning for more. First and foremost, let’s talk about the benefits of an incentive program. It’s not just about giving away free stuff (although, who doesn’t love that?). It’s…