Although affiliate marketing in the iGaming industry holds great promise in terms of measurable ROI and targeted player acquisition, unexpected technical glitches can disrupt the smooth flow of activities.

One notable cause is link mix-ups by affiliates where clicked-on links do not translate to tracked conversions, often leaving one with a lot of unanswered questions.

Dear casino owners, be calm, though.

Now, let’s journey into the hazy abyss of general tracking issues and provide you with insights about how to debug like an expert:

1. The Cookie Crumbles: Understanding Cookie Expiration and Management

The culprit: Expired or improperly configured cookies prevent proper attribution of clicks and conversions.

How to fix:

  • Set appropriate cookie lifespans: Aim for longer durations (30-90 days) to accommodate player decision-making cycles.
  • Configure cross-domain tracking: Ensure cookies work across various subdomains and landing pages.
  • Test cookie functionality: Regularly use tools like developer consoles to verify cookie persistence and values.

Cookie Expiration and Management: Keeping Track of Online Crumbs

Some notable facts about cookies include the following:

Cookies are no mere bite-sized treats. They are small files that websites store on your device so as to make them remember little details about your visits. This is important for website owners and those who log in, as it influences personalization, tracking, and confidentiality.

‘Do Cookies Expire? What Are Cookies and Why Do They Expire?’ is one of the questions you might be asking yourself.

If you go to a bakery every day, for example, the baker will recognize you and say hello. This system works just like cookies; they “remember” your choices and online activities. But website cookies do not taste good because they have a limited lifespan. It helps with:

  • Privacy: Old data doesn’t linger indefinitely, protecting your privacy.
  • Performance: Clearing outdated cookies prevents website congestion and improves speed.
  • Security: Expired cookies become less vulnerable to misuse or theft.

Cookie Expiration Timeframes: Striking the Right Balance

Cookie expiration times vary depending on their purpose:

  • Session cookies: Expire when you close your browser, used for temporary tasks like shopping cart contents.
  • Persistent cookies: Last longer (days, weeks, years) to remember preferences and login information.

Website owners carefully choose expiration times considering:

  • Purpose of the cookie: How long is the information relevant?
  • User experience: Should users re-enter data frequently?
  • Privacy concerns: Balancing convenience with data protection.

Managing Cookies

Most browsers offer cookie management options:

  • View and delete cookies: See what cookies are stored and remove them if needed.
  • Set cookie preferences: Choose if you accept all cookies, block them all, or have more granular control.
  • Use “Do Not Track” features: Signal to websites that you prefer not to be tracked.

Understanding cookie expiration and management empowers you to make informed decisions about your online experience. Whether you’re a website owner tailoring user interactions or a user protecting your privacy, knowledge is key to navigating the complex world of digital cookies.

2. Masking: Cloaking Goes Wrong

Cloaking plays a fascinating, yet sometimes controversial, role. Imagine cloaking as a mask worn by affiliate links. It disguises their true destination, often displaying a user-friendly URL instead of the raw affiliate code. But like any mask, cloaking can also lead to trouble if not used wisely.

When Cloaking Goes Wrong?

  • Misconfigured Rules: Accidental exclusion of specific traffic sources or landing pages from tracking can create blind spots in your data.
  • Dynamic Parameter Issues: If dynamic parameters (like campaign IDs) are not handled correctly, they may not be passed to the affiliate platform, causing attribution problems.
  • Compliance Concerns: Violating regulatory guidelines, like GDPR in Europe, with cloaking practices can lead to hefty fines and reputational damage.

The culprit: Improperly configured link cloaking masks affiliate IDs, confusing tracking systems.

How to fix?

  • Verify cloaking rules: Double-check if rules exclude specific traffic sources or landing pages.
  • Test unmasked links: Temporarily disable cloaking for specific affiliates to isolate the issue.
  • Utilize advanced cloaking features: Look for options like dynamic parameter insertion for cleaner tracking.


  • Enhanced User Experience: Complex affiliate links can be long and unappealing. Cloaking offers a cleaner, more branded alternative, improving user experience and click-through rates.
  • Branding Control: Masking the affiliate code allows you to maintain a uniform brand presence across different marketing channels.
  • Performance Tracking: Some cloaking methods offer additional data like click source and geographic location, aiding in campaign analysis and optimization.


  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Issues: Google and other search engines may penalize websites using aggressive cloaking practices, as it can hinder accurate indexing and user experience.
  • Transparency Woes: Excessive cloaking can raise concerns about transparency and user trust. It’s essential to disclose affiliate relationships clearly.
  • Tracking Troubles: Improperly configured cloaking can interfere with affiliate tracking codes, leading to inaccurate data and partner disputes.

3. JavaScript: Script Errors and Conflicts

The culprit: Buggy JavaScript on affiliate landing pages interferes with tracking code functionality.

The fix:

  • Validate tracking code implementation: Use developer tools to check for errors and conflicts.
  • Enable debugging mode: Most affiliate software offers debugging modes to pinpoint script issues.
  • Consult affiliate partners: Work with affiliates to ensure proper code implementation on their side.

4. Postback: Communication Glitches

The culprit: Failed or delayed postbacks, the messages sent by your platform to affiliates, create data discrepancies.

How to fix?

  • Review postback URLs: Ensure URLs are correct and accessible by affiliates.
  • Test postback functionality: Use tools like postback testers to simulate data flow.
  • Monitor postback logs: Track successful and failed postbacks for debugging purposes.

Postbacks are those crucial messages sent by your platform to affiliates, carrying conversion data that translates into commissions and happy partners. But sometimes, these messages get lost at sea, delayed, or even misinterpreted, creating confusion and financial woes.

Imagine you’re running a bustling casino with a network of loyal affiliates promoting your games. They bring in players, and when those players convert (say, by making a deposit), a postback is supposed to be sent to the affiliate’s platform, notifying them of the sweet, sweet commission they’ve earned.

But what if the postback gets garbled?

The affiliate might not know a player converted, leading to frustration and disputes. Or maybe the postback arrives late, causing payment delays and souring the partnership.

So, how do we solve this postback problem?

Patience, detective work, and the right tools, such as reliable Scaleo affiliate software – are key.

First, verify the postback URLs. Are they spelled correctly and accessible by the affiliate platform? Think of them as clear addresses for the message to reach its destination. Then, test the functionality using tools like postback testers. Imagine sending a test message to see if it arrives safely and intact.

Next, monitor postback logs, keeping an eye on both successful and failed deliveries. This helps identify patterns and pinpoint where the communication breakdown might be happening. Is it a specific traffic source causing issues? An affiliate platform hiccup? By analyzing the logs, you can get closer to cracking the code.

Now, don’t forget your partner in crime – the affiliate!

Collaborate with them to ensure proper code implementation on their side. Think of it as ensuring both sides speak the same language and use compatible communication protocols. Open communication and troubleshooting together can go a long way in smoothing out any postback bumps.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

Regular testing, maintaining clear communication with affiliates, and utilizing powerful affiliate software like Scaleo can significantly reduce the chances of postback glitches. By staying vigilant and armed with the right tools, you can ensure those postback messages deliver their precious cargo of conversion data, keeping your affiliate partners happy and your business thriving.

5. Attribution: Multi-Touch Attribution Challenges

The culprit: Complex player journeys make it difficult to attribute conversions to specific affiliates.

The fix:

  • Define your attribution model: Choose a model (first click, last click, multi-touch) that aligns with your marketing goals.
  • Utilize advanced attribution features: Some platforms offer options like time decay or custom models for granular insights.
  • Analyze multi-touch data: Look for patterns in player journeys to understand affiliate impact beyond conversions.

Remember, prevention is key! Proactive measures like regular testing, clear communication with affiliates, and utilizing powerful affiliate software like Scaleo can significantly reduce tracking misfires. By staying ahead of the curve and wielding your troubleshooting skills, you can ensure your affiliate program churns out conversions and happy partners, propelling your iGaming business to new heights.


This blog post has taught us that iGaming affiliate marketing is not easy because of technical issues like cookie errors, cloaking, JavaScript problems, and postback problems. Casino operators must know how to solve such issues by managing cookies, cloaking and JavaScript. Steps like setting proper cookie lifetimes, configuring cross-domain tracking, and testing cookie functionality are crucial. Knowledge of how cookies function is essential for privacy safeguarding, better performance and reducing risks of misuse or theft.

Partner ids can be hidden by cloaking but also gives rise to SEO concerns, transparency issues and tracking trouble. You will need to check the implementation of the tracking code; enable debugging mode and consult your affiliate partners in order to fix JavaScript errors and conflicts.

Postbacks contain conversion data that platforms send to affiliates as vital messages. However, they can get lost, delayed, or misread, creating confusion and financial challenges. To solve this problem, review your postback URLs, test functionality, monitor postback logs, and work with affiliates.

Scaleo offers affiliate software that helps address these Postback issues through regular testing and clear communication but also. Also consider complex player journeys plus defining an attribution model.

Don’t want to face any more misfired postback or tracking issues?

Try Scaleo and see how a robust tracking system can improve the technical aspect of your affiliate program!

partner marketing software for igaming industry

Last Updated on April 10, 2024


Elizabeth is a Senior Content Manager at Scaleo. Currently enjoying the life in Prague and sharing professional affiliate marketing tips. She's been in the online marketing business since 2006 and gladly shares all her insights and ideas on this blog.