
Affiliate Strategies


The iGaming business could be worth $94 billion by 2024, and if you aren’t already informed on the topic, that’s a great reason to do so. It’s a challenging niche — but with the right approach, it can be done. We will share several tips in this blog post to help you thrive in this industry and potentially double your campaigns’ return on investment. So let’s get started. What is iGaming? Many people confuse iGaming…

Affiliate marketing has emerged as the ace in the deck for online casinos. But how do you play this complex game of links, promotions, and partnerships to your ultimate advantage? Whether you’re a seasoned player in the affiliate marketing world or just stepping into this virtual casino floor, our comprehensive roadmap is your lucky charm. Get ready to unravel the secrets of successfully navigating the affiliate marketing landscape for online casinos. From identifying the right…

Automated affiliate marketing software is just one piece of the puzzle in your business. Starting your own affiliate marketing program is one thing, but maintaining it is something else entirely. The only way to do this without going crazy is to automate it as much as possible. In this post, we’ll discuss 10 ways you can automate your affiliate marketing program: 10 Ways To Automate Your Affiliate Business: MethodDescriptionEmail Marketing AutomationAutomate email campaigns to nurture…

Scaleo recently had the privilege of attending the prestigious i-Con Affiliate Conference in Cyprus, one of the industry-leading events for affiliate marketing.  This convention is well-known for gathering top minds and innovators from across the world, and our experience there surpassed our expectations in every way. From day one, we were greeted by the buzz of ideas and the warm company of our industry peers. This sense of community and collaboration was the foundation of…

Affiliate marketing is a rapidly evolving industry, and staying ahead of the game often means staying informed through networking and learning from the best.  Are you hoping to step up your affiliate marketing efforts? Attending an affiliate conference is your best option! Industry executives and specialists gather at these conferences to exchange knowledge and tactics about the most recent developments in the sector. This article will highlight some of the top upcoming affiliate conferences you…