With so many types of publishers available on the market, it can be overwhelming for businesses to choose the right one for their campaigns. To help you make an informed decision, this blog post outlines the nine types of publishers in affiliate marketing, their advantages, and how to engage your audience with each one.

Affiliate marketing has become an essential part of businesses’ digital marketing strategies, helping them reach a wider audience, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. Whether you’re an affiliate marketing novice or a seasoned professional, this guide will offer insights and tips to help you navigate the world of publishers and maximize your marketing efforts.

Loyalty and cashback sites

Cashback sites give their users a percentage of the commission they receive from advertisers. They divide the commission with the end user, giving the end user a significant incentive to buy from their website. A loyalty site operates on the same principle, but users earn redeemable points instead of cash.


The most significant advantage of loyalty and cashback sites is their ability to generate large volumes. Because end-users receive ‘free’ money, they are eager to use sites like these. When they use the website and receive their payment, they are often stay loyal to that website, making sure that every possible purchase is made through the site to receive the most cashback or loyalty points. It’s an excellent way to reach new customers, raise brand awareness, and encourage them to purchase your products or services.

How do you keep your audience engaged on loyalty and cashback sites?

The most difficult challenge will be finding a way to stand out on those cashback and loyalty websites. You can do this by providing exclusive deals for the website, offering products and services for various budgets, or providing voucher codes that people can use to drive traffic to those websites.

Content Websites and Blogs

A common type of publisher is blogs and other content websites. To attract a specific audience, they focus on generating valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract that audience. Reaching out to that audience and encouraging them to act is the challenging part, which is why these types of publishers are so crucial. If they are good, they have highly engaged and loyal audiences and are tremendously important in purchasing decisions.


They have a large following and are frequently experts in their fields. They assist customers with purchasing intent by conducting research and raising brand awareness. They are highly influential and produce professional content, which benefits your brand.

How do you keep your readers interested in blogs and content sites?

The ideal option is to strike relationships with publications, have them develop material for your business, or enable your ads on their website. Send them product samples and information to assist them with their work. Give your top sellers generous commissions; they deserve it!

Comparison of Search Engines

A comparative search engine helps users identify and compare products based on their search query. They can sort by pricing, features, reviews, and other factors. You typically pay for advertising to be displayed in the engine, for conversions or sales, or for a higher position in the search results.


Because there is so much competition, the prices of these comparison search engines are frequently very competitive. The engines allow you to display your entire product line at once. Another important feature is that consumers frequently trust comparison search engines. When consumers use a search engine, they frequently have very real purchase intent, making this publisher type valuable.

In comparison to search engines, how do you engage your audience?

Because most comparison search engines use a CPC model, you simply pay for your engagement. It also helps to have a strong product feed and to promote your marketing or market-leading products or prices.

User-Generated Content (UGC) and Communities

There are numerous online shopping communities where customers offer advice, share information, and seek assistance. Frequently in the form of discussion boards. They also use these forums to access special offers, discounts, and freebies.


Customers who do a lot of research comprise your target audience. It’s a great way to build brand awareness in your niche while also building a loyal client base.

How do you reach out to these communities?

Provide them with exclusive codes and inform them of the most recent promotions. Make sure to create content specifically for these communities. Make them feel heard, because this is one of the best ways to connect with your audience.

Publishers on social media (Influencers)

Social media publishers can be found on all social networks. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and so forth. They have their own popular profiles on these websites, and they have many fans or followers for whom they serve as an authority in that niche. They interact with their audiences through these pages or profiles.


The audience frequently follows a person or an influencer, and they are likelier to listen to someone they admire or look up to. These highly engaged audiences are an excellent way to raise brand awareness in your industry.

How to Use Social Media Publishers to Engage Your Audience

Allow the publisher to create relevant paid content for your company. Send them product samples and information to help them do their job well. Make sure to reward your top sellers with better offers because they are the ones who drive your sales.

Remarketing and retargeting

Working with retargeting and remarketing publishers is the same as working with online marketers. They will create advertisements that will be shown to people based on their previous internet activities. They enable you to reach out to people who abandoned their shopping carts, searched for your product, searched for competitors’ products, and others.


Retargeting and remarketing allow you to reach people who have previously expressed interest in your business or similar businesses. That is, they will have a better chance of converting. You will only be charged for results because of the CPA model employed here. With retargeting and remarketing, there are numerous possibilities, making this an essential publisher for your affiliate program.

How do you get your audience to participate in retargeting and remarketing?

Be creative, and provide the publisher with the tools he or she needs to create appropriate campaigns for your company. The publisher does the majority of the work.

Email Promotion

Good email affiliate publishers have a variety of databases from which to choose. When you start a partnership with an email marketing partner, they will use email to send content promoting your business to relevant audiences.


Finding the best publishers available for email marketing is critical. They are the ones who can effectively target people in your niche. They typically have a large reach and use trend analysis to produce the best results. The best email marketers will request a CPA model, meaning you only pay them when they deliver a sale. 

Learn more about how CPA affiliate software can help your business.

How to Use Email to Engage Your Audience

People nowadays get a lot of emails. So, be creative; it’s important to stand out. To entice your customers, make strong, limited-time offers. It is beneficial to understand and engage your audience. Also, make the user journey as simple as possible.

Shopping portals and directories

A shopping portal, also known as a directory, is a website that lists businesses that sell a specific product or service. This can be very specific, such as rakes. Or, more broadly, garden supplies. Customers can view your products and services on these websites.


It’s an excellent way to raise brand awareness among potential customers looking for similar products or services. You can also use email marketing to contact customers who expressed interest in your products but did not purchase them.

How do you interact with customers through shopping directories and portals?

These websites frequently have a wide range of products and services, so it’s critical to stand out. Create exclusive codes and share the most recent offers with these websites. Create professional content for your products (text and images). On sites like these, you often only have one chance to persuade customers; make the most of it.

Voucher Code Websites

These websites provide users with discount coupons and other promotions that they can use to get a discount on your website. Before making a purchase, shoppers frequently look for discounts; having one available can be the final push they need to complete the transaction.


You can reach many people with little effort, and you can easily generate specific codes, such as single-use or mobile online codes. It’s an excellent way to reach new audiences and raise brand awareness. And if the coupon codes only work with a small amount spent, it can significantly increase your average order value.

How do you get customers to interact with the voucher code website?

Don’t rely on a single offer for too long; keep coming up with new and enticing offers to keep your customers coming back. Make some good content to go with the offers, and make the offers feel exclusive. You only pay for results with the pay-per-click model.


Understanding the different types of publishers in affiliate marketing is crucial for businesses looking to optimize their marketing efforts and maximize results. Each publisher type offers unique advantages and engagement strategies, allowing you to tailor your approach based on your target audience and business goals.

Each publisher type, from blogs and content sites to voucher code websites, serves a specific purpose, catering to diverse consumer needs and preferences.

By carefully selecting the right mix of publishers and employing the appropriate engagement techniques, you can expand your reach, enhance brand awareness, and ultimately boost your sales. Keep this comprehensive guide in mind as you navigate the world of affiliate marketing and unlock the potential of these nine publisher types to achieve success in your campaigns.

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Last Updated on April 29, 2023


Elizabeth is a Senior Content Manager at Scaleo. Currently enjoying the life in Prague and sharing professional affiliate marketing tips. She's been in the online marketing business since 2006 and gladly shares all her insights and ideas on this blog.